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Warrior Wives is proud to be a Certifying Organization for "The President's Volunteer Service Award". The PRESIDENT'S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD is a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of sustained volunteer service. Established in 2003, the PVSA gives Presidential recognition to individuals, families and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service each year. The AWARD shares this achievement as a way to inspire others to contribute to their communities through volunteer service and to make volunteer service a central part of their lives. The PVSA is issued by the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation, a group created by President George W. Bush to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers make to our Nation.
Since 2008, we have provided mulitple outreach opportunities to military wives. Although we have supplied training and resources for a variety of topics and activities, none have excited us more than the small group opportunities that are taking place within our communities. While Warrior Wives is able to provide resources for large scale events, our greatest assets are the military wives that share their own experiences and time with others. Military wives experience daily battles in life that are unique. The lessons learned throughout those battles are by far the most valuable thing that can be offered and our goal is to help facilitate as many small groups as necessary, in order to reach as many wives as possible.
The Warrior Wives Mission has been successful, due to the many community partnerships we have created over the years. We value the individuals, organizations and businesses that have supported our military families and will continue collaborative efforts within our communities. Warrior Wives partners with Joining Community Forces (JCF) to improve the well-being of service members, families and veterans. We invite you to find a Joining Community Forces network near you and become part of a dedicated support team for military families within your community.

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